„Jetzt ist halb vier und nur der Club noch ne Option.
Da kann ich weiter rumstehen, weiterdenken – urbane Kontemplation.“
„It´s half past three, only the club is still an option
for hanging around and further thinking – urban contemplation.“
In this snippet from the lyrics of „Zu lange“, my first Song Without Voice on the Nightshift-Album, I came up with a designation for a special form of insomnia: Urban Contemplation. When it´s 3:30 am and your body´s weak but your mind´s still wide awake…
UK – Urbane Kontemplation is the title of a series of fist fights between an acoustic piano, some synthesizers an that typical endless urban 4-to-the-floor-pulse. Sometimes elegiac, sometimes ecstatic, always restless and stirring – exactly the opposite of what you need, when you try to get some sleep.
„And when the day is done
thoughts start spinning around
lost and found and around
and they keep spinning until dawn.“